
Showing posts from April, 2006




Code name: C4, tp bukan bom loh, ternyata bukan gw doang yg hobby belanja di supermaket, temen2 gw spt dewi & yenny jg doyan. Tapi gw, bukan sembarang supermarket, tp gw maniac carrefour ! udah cinta mati gw sm c4, apalagi since gw punya kartu belanja C4, hence gw dpt disc 1,5% setiap belanja. mau tuker barang, gampang..., yg plg murah... so pasti deh, gw udah bandingin koq sm hypermart lainnya, though ga bisa dibilang totally semua barang lho. bayangan aja, maret yg lalu, setiap belanja 200.000 dpt voucher 5000, belanja 400.000 dpt voucher 10.000 ! kapan itu parkir penuh, terus parkir di mal puri, dpt lagi uang parkir 4000, apa ga gila tuh benefits yg gw dpt. I mean I really appreciated gini hari, masih ada company yg msh mau kasih benefit ke customernya, bayangin aja kalo parkir hrs bayar, brp juta sehari yg bisa didpt. However... mungkin bagi supplier.... C4 ga recommended, listing costnya mahal perproduk, shg ada bbrp produk yg ga bisa dijumpai di C4, spt Gulaku. but anyway, b...


Barusan gw check out CSP in blogfam. well bukannya gw ga tertarik ikutan, at least I had tried, soalnya udah mentok bgt, drpd jadinya jg ga natural. & yg terjadi kan bener2 nyata lho, ga pake khayalan. kalo solusinya terjadi semudah membalikkan telapak tangan, yaaah emang itu yg terjadi, amazing kan ?! even the trigger jg kejadian yg remeh temeh, knp itu terjadi jg gw ga tau. ada brp sih di dunia ini anak perempuan yg berani lawan bokapnya sampae tonjok2an gt ? gw sih ga bangga, nyesel so pasti. di balik appearance gw yg feminim (caelaaaa....), yg konon kata org2 kalem, terdapat jiwa yang rebellious, determined & strong-willed, adventour, headstrong, tp yg pasti bukan psycho lho... whereas dr dulu gw dibilang tomboy, senengnya yg aneh2 spt naik gunung, bungy jumping, ng-gokart (mumpung gratis he he). every cloud has its silver lining, dan itulah yg terjadi sm peristiwa gw. tadi pagi gw lg lihat foto keluarga, gw bilang, "I love you, Dad" I mean love bukan loved, krn ...


Temans di cyber ? I have many benefits to have mutual friendship which I have in cyber world. First I have close friend named HA, due to our different gender, we are not be able to have unlimited relationship, there is always prejudism. But the most amazing friendship I have through cyber world is with Dewi, she is very special. We have a lot in commons. We use to exchange books & dvd. Speaking abt books & movies (like there is no other topics :) I just read Jeffrey Archer's A Twist in the Tale, antology of short stories, I love it, I love it, I love it, means I really love Archer's. Since I read Kane & Abel, he is brilliant. I fond to read False Impression later. I got many Ebooks, thanks to Nico, I am amazed that we can read FREE many books with favourite authors such as David Baldacci, Dean Koontz, Ken Follet, Grisham and even NARNIA & Dan Brown. Nonetheless, the problem is we have to print hundreds even thousands pages, it's not practical, isn't it ?...