
Showing posts from November, 2018

no title #speechless

Being told “You’re such a jerk” over asked your daughter not to play HP during mid test ?? WHAT THE  FUCK!! I know I keep telling my child over “Did you study” “Did you brush your teeth” “Did you....” bla bla such a common emak2. And I do it with soft voice not hard and intimated voice ! I knew some sort of study/research mentioned that it’s an annoying thing for children to keep asking things over and over again every day by their parents.  It’s really speechless. At that time made my blood boiled over maximum high so I scolded and angry. Being a permissive parents why the  children never appreciated their parents for that ? I tried to provide everything she wants like her wish is my command.

15-19 Sep 2016 Samosir Lake Toba Ultra & Medan Trip

Kamis 15 Sep 2016. Pesawat Citilink jam 6.40 tiba Medan jam 9.00. Huff kayanya salah ambil jadwal nih, ngapain jg pagi2 udh tiba di Medan.  Dijemput bang Hotma, sambil memikirkan bagaimana menghabiskan 9 jam ke depan berdua ajah hahaha.... Dari Airport udah sekitar jam 10 saat keluar parkir, menuju pemberhentian kuliner pertama yaitu soto medan Sinar Pagi yg famous itu. Bener2 enak sih paduan seperti rasa soto betawi.  Abis itu ke Taman Buaya Asam Kumbang, melihat buaya berumur 43 tahun, dan banyak sekali buaya bertebaran yang ada di halaman yang disekat2 sekitar hhmm brp ya ? 7 x 6 meter2 ? Next...  makan es campur yang sebenarnya rasanya biasaaaa banget, enakan es campur sinar garut kemana2 deh.  Isinya menang di jali2/ barley aja yg di Jkt jarang tp bertebaran di RM Medan. Mana harganya 16.000/mangkok, jadi beli 2 plus  1 botol Aqua doang abis 55.000 (untung bukan gw yg bayar hehe). Itu sekitar jam brp ya... jam 1an kali ya. Masih memikirkan 5 jam ke depan, ...

Lucky surrounding by many nice people

I feel lucky in so many ways, surrounding by many good people, good friends. Ok I try to compiled all my great experiences Maybank Bali Marathon/ MBM 26-28 Aug 2017 my flight was around 6 pm. I asked in RFI WA Group whose flight same with me. A guy named Andra shouted back. Then I made appointment with him, yes better together than alone. We met at the airport, he was a handsome young man J Our flight was delayed around 1 hour so our ETA was around 9/10.  It was late after we arrived, he managed to call GrabCar. After we arrived at his hotel around 11 pm, Swiss BellExpress Kuta Legian, he offered me to stay at his room considering that my hotel still far away and we have to get ready within couple of hours, shuttle at 2 am, start running 5 am. Maybe he feel sorry to me. Wow I was so surprise, he is very nice so I took his offer. I went to my booked hotel to take my RPC by Gojek and cancell the hotel as well and went back to Legian. When I came into the room, I was subtle th...