Movies again
Series Star Wars Trilogy Classic Indiana Jones 1-3 Lethal Weapon 1-4 Trilogy LOTR Harry Potter the Mummy the most tragic ending House of Sand and Fog the most twisted ending Sixth Sense the Others Unbreakable bad bad sequel Bridges Jones Diary Miss Congeniality Must see upcoming movies s a w 2 (Oct 2005) memoirs of a geisha (Dec 2005) da vinci code (May 2006) pirates of caribbean : dead man's chest (July 2006 waaaakss lama amir....) life of pi (n/a blm diproduksi kali :( Accross the Nightingale Floor Wish sequel to be made The Saint Forrest Gump Wish book to be filming Clouds of Sparrow, a Japan epic novel Thinning the Predator by Daina Graziuna