Me & My Mom
I feel so sad, when my mom text me that she would going to my dad’s cemetery and she would’t wait to go with me next Saturday coz she afraid that I would postpone it again L
At the first time I just felt disappointed and not think about it further. Then I knew when I called my sister in law that she asked mom to go there.
Well, I am sorry for being like this coz actually my mom is great. She’s so cuek as a mom. Ga pernah bawel, cenderung membolehkan gw berbuat apa aja.
Wkt gw kuliah gw naik gunung, nobody can forbid me for whatsoever. Gw yg kata sepupu gw bagaikan kuda liar lepas dari kandang, exceptional, rebellious, adventurous, kata Tante gw tomboy dari kecil dibalik penampilan gw yg girly, kalem, feminine. Dan untuk mendobrak itu semua smp gw udah setuwir ini masih mencari jati diri dengan membuat tattoo, well actually it’s my wish since long time ago.
My Mom… she’s great. Waktu Andre masuk RS krn DB, Mami yg temenin Andre check out fr hospital. Wkt ada masalah sm pengasuh J, Mami yg pagi2 ke rmh jemput J utk dibw ke rmhnya, pake acara jatuh pula, bikin gw nangis tersedu2, thank God, she’s ok.. Mom jg dtg ke RS wkt gw mau melahirkan, she also accompanied me during the delivery… hiks hiks make me more sad (dgn mata berkaca2 nih).
But …… Mami yg kelewat cuek, she just text me for my b’day (msh mending diinget yeee… ), mana textnya blank lg…. she didn’t come to my daughter 3rd bday celebration with her classmate.
Now that she almost 70, yg ada aku malah males mengunjunginya krn kuciwa… udah ah males dhe inget yg sedih2…
Anyway... I don't want to depend to anybody, guess I just have my hubby & daughter. My hubby is my everything, my mom (ibu dari ibu, inget wkt baca buku panduan ibu hamil :), my dad, my assistant, my (rare) fuck buddy (kata doi he he) , my driver, my companion in everything, my brother, my friend. Thank God he's so perfect (perfik kalo kata jj).
Today is my 8th Anniversary... My mother in law always remember and always wishes us year by year.