ISAK JP Scholarship Application by M Jelita C

Prompt Selection 1  My dream is to
My dream is to grow up and give an impact to the world. I want to open people’s eyes to the world and to what is happening around us. I want to make a difference, if not to the world then to the people. Another dream of mine is to travel the world and experience the beauty of our planet and discover the cultures of the world.

Prompt Selection 2  One thing I admire about my mother/father is
I admire how strong and kind my parents are. My mom is a strong woman with an adventurous soul, a tough woman who challenges herself to achieve more. My dad is an intelligent and wise man, a hero in disguise I like to say. I love how he has so much knowledge of the world and like to share it with me.

Prompt Selection 3  Two qualities that I would like to improve in my character in the next few years are
One, I am a girl with talents but with so many things happening I don’t have the time to discover the potentials I have. I want to make time for myself so I can keep on learning and improving in the talents that is still buried inside me. Two, I want a healthier lifestyle where I eat healthier and exercise more. I realize how important it is to keep my body strong and healthy so that I can grow up to be someone who can impact the world. I also realize that our mental health is as important as our physical health so I want to take care of myself more.

Prompt Selection 4  An aspect of my country/culture which I hope could improve is
As a human being we are given moral consciousness that helps us distinguish what is right and what is wrong. I see citizens from other countries have their own awareness to do good in society. Like people respecting each other, putting trash in the trash cans, obeying the traffic rules, and much more. A lot of these aren’t written laws but other people have the consciousness to do it. I see people in my country violating laws and it makes me sad. I want to see my country not only advanced in politics or technology but also advanced in the manners section.
I dislike the fact that so many of our people still lacks of education. There are a lot of places here in Indonesia where children can’t get the appropriate education. This might sound like a small problem but what it can lead to is fatal. Our people can easily fall into wrong decisions like corruption and I want this problem to be solved.

3. Describe someone you know who possesses great leadership qualities. What have you learned from him or her?
Someone who I admire about their leadership qualities; Mr. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama. A former governor of Jakarta who works hard with a goal in mind. To bring the city to the Top. Throughout his length of service he has successfully improved our city. He is a leader who knows his responsibilities and is someone I respect a lot. What I learn from his works is that he is not afraid to do the right thing even if he knows how much people would despise him. After giving a controversial speech that intimidated the people against him, they reported him to the police and is currently serving 2 years in prison. He is not afraid to do right even when he knows people will want to put him in jail. This shows how much he stands up for justice and would go through a lot for the right thing.

4. Think of a time that you failed at something. Please describe the situation. What did you learn from that experience? How has it impacted you since?
This one time we had a group project to make a presentation for our History class. For my group I was elected to be the leader. I was too focused on making the presentation simple but understandable that I missed out a lot of important details. When we present it our teacher commented on how incomplete it was. We didn’t get a good result and as the leader I felt guilty that my teammates have to accept the low score. After that every time we had a presentation to make Ill make sure to skim the details and put everything important in. I also learn that being a leader takes a lot of responsibility and I want to be a better one next time.

5. What is something that is frustrating you in your school or community right now? What is one step that you could take to improve the situation?
What’s currently frustrating me in my school is about some student’s behavior. I don’t know when it started but the students in me school likes to involve themselves in gossips and rumors. We may not know if what we hear is true but little do they know how much those rumors affect the person’s feelings and confidence especially if they’re not true. I feel bad to the people involved in the rumors because I know how it feels to walk in the school hallway and feel everyone’s stares and judgments. I want to be able to make a speech about it, maybe a presentation or a video to show how it could ruin someone’s day maybe even week, or worst, year.

6. Co-curricular activities such as community service, sports, the arts, and journalism are a vital part of the UWC ISAK Japan experience. Please describe a co-curricular experience that has made an impact on your life. What are some of the important lessons you learned from participating in that activity?
At third grade I decided to join the Basketball co-curricular because a lot of my friends did. At first I didn’t expect much but I fell in love with it. Basketball grew on me as time goes by. I met a lot of my best friends in basketball and we spend a lot of our free times playing basketball. Even until this day when my friends and I went to different schools, we still hang out to play basketball. I learned about the importance of teamwork and cooperation. Because just like how the saying goes, teamwork makes the dream work.

7. If you were to design a school curriculum, what would be one essential element to include? Why?
There are some things I want to implement in a school curriculum. The studies of culture. In this modern world the influence of other cultures are inevitable. Diversity is important and is a part of us. The cultures of the world are colorful and teaching it to students would give color to their knowledge. Maybe instead of focusing too much on theories and formulas that would stress students out too much we can direct the focus into learning and discovering about the world.

8. Applicants may include any additional evidence of achievement or potential that they feel will strengthen their application. Examples include awards or recognitions that have been earned within the last three years.

Salutatorian Grade 9 Junior High School Year 2016-2017. Second Honors Grade 8 Junior High School Year 2015-2016. Third Honors Grade 7 Junior High School Year 2014-2015.
Participation in Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiad (SASMO) 2015
I have been awarded as a salutatorian at my school’s Junior High School Graduation, elected to represent my school in some competition. I can play the piano, violin, guitar and participated in annual school's drama musical. I can swim well & play tennis.

9. Is there anything that you would like us to be aware of that you have not had a chance to share in this Admission application?
If "Yes," please explain.
In life opportunities only come once. If we miss them we probably won’t find it again. This scholarship is a rare opportunity for me to prove myself to others and myself that I can achieve what I want and that I can reach higher than what I think I could. I am willing to work hard and put out a lot of effort to be a good student in this community. I may not be able to express how much I want this opportunity to be given to me but I really wish to be able to
learn more in UWC ISAK Japan.

10. Please self-identify your English language level by choosing one of the following selections:

A Native Level indicates that you understand academic lectures in English well and feel comfortable expressing yourself in English.
An Intermediate Level indicates that you understand academic lectures in English but have some difficulty expressing yourself in English.
A Beginner Level indicates that you do not feel very comfortable in English-speaking settings in general and may have some difficulty in understanding academic lectures in English.

Intermediate Level

11. Have you ever been referred to a school administrator for disciplinary reasons?


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